I need some advice. I had a tooth that is hurting on and off for a couple of weeks. I finally got up the courage to go see a dentist. He took an x-ray and told me that there was a cavity under a tooth I already had a dental filling for. He told me he thought there would not be enough healthy tooth left to save the tooth and will probably end up extracting it. He wants me to start thinking about whether I would want a dental implant or a dental bridge. Does this sound accurate to you or would I do better to get a second opinion. I will admit that I am terrified of pretty much any dental procedure so the idea of what he’s suggesting has me shaking. I’d appreciate any advice that you can give me.
Dear Tatiana,
First, let me say that I am glad you were courageous enough to see the dentist despite your fear. Many people with dental anxiety wait until there is a dental emergency and end up in an even worse situation. Before you do anything, I think you would be wise to seek a second opinion. There are some reasons I have some doubt about what your dentist is saying.
First, you mentioned this tooth had just started hurting. If your tooth were as far gone as your dentist mentioned, then your tooth would have started hurting months ago. Second, if there was so much decay that the tooth could not be saved, not only would he not have needed to take an x-ray to diagnose that, but your filling would have fallen out. There should be a gaping hole in the tooth. Get that second opinion before you do anything else.
Dealing with Your Dental Anxiety
You are not alone in being terrified of the dentist. About half of all Americans have some form of dental anxiety. The good news is that there is a solution. Whenever you have a distressing dental appointment, you will find that going to a sedation dentist will change your life. Even something as simple as nitrous oxide will relax you. If you have a severe anxiety, I would look for someone who offers oral conscious sedation. However, that is so strong that you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment, as well as stay with you for a few hours at home until you are lucid and steady on your feet.
This blog is brought to you by Auburn, AL Dentists Drs. Murphree and Yount.