If you are in pain, you have a dental emergency, and you need help now. Give us a call. We’ll see you today, even if we’ve never treated you before.
We make treating emergencies a regular part of our practice because we enjoy helping people. So we’ve already scheduled time for you. Our first priority as emergency dentists is to alleviate your pain. Then we can evaluate the problem and discuss a more permanent solution.
Overcoming Dental Fear
Studies have shown that one in three Americans experience some kind of dental fear. This can make it very difficult to address dental problems when they first occur, leading to worsening conditions.
Rest assured. Dr. Alan Young and Dr. Steve Murphree see many fearful patients, and they will treat you with care and understanding. We use numbing procedures so gentle that you will not know when you receive a shot. And we offer sedation to help you with anxiety.
If you’d like to know more about how we help our patients overcome their fear, visit our Cater to Cowards page. And you can find out more about the sedation we offer by viewing our sedation dentist page.
Types of Dental Emergencies
Dental emergencies occur all the time, and they don’t always involve pain. Teeth crack, chip, and get knocked out. Crowns and bridges fall out. And toothaches have many different sources. It doesn’t matter what caused your dental emergency—we will know how to help you.
Toothaches are one of the most common emergencies we treat, and they often involve an infection that follows tooth decay. This is a natural process, but it can be very painful. When decay progresses through the enamel and dentin of a tooth, it can create an infection in the pulp. Your body will fight the infection with white blood cells, which causes swelling. But because the pulp is confined by the tooth, the swelling causes pain.
Don’t hesitate to let us help you if you are experiencing this type of pain. An untreated infection will eventually kill the pulp leaving you pain free, but it will continue into the bone where it will cause an abscess. This could lead to other health complications.