I had a molar that broke in half last week. It’s on the upper right side. A week later, my cheek and upper sinus area started hurting. I wasn’t sure if it was a sinus infection or a tooth infection. Now the pain is up by my temples. My sister thinks it is a tooth infection from the broken molar and that it is serious. She insists I go to a dentist, but I am incredibly busy. Is this as serious as my sister is making out or can this just wait until my next dental appointment?
Dear Breen,
I am very glad you wrote. This is a tooth infection and it is spreading. I know it is hard to believe, but people still die from tooth infections. This is making its way to your brain and you do not want that. I know you are busy, but this is something that you will need to make time for. Because of how much it has spread already, I would consider it a dental emergency. Ideally, you want to save the tooth by getting a root canal treatment and then have a dental crown placed on top of it.
If the tooth cannot be saved, then you will need to have it extracted and replaced. You do not want to leave the tooth place empty. If you do, the other teeth will drift or tip into the open space. This could lead to painful TMJ Disorder, so it is important you replace the tooth. There are a great number of tooth replacement options from the top of the line with dental implants all the way down to something like a dental flipper.
A dental implant is the most like having a healthy, natural tooth in your mouth again, but they are a bit pricey. The dental flipper is the cheapest but they are meant to be temporary while you save up for a better option. There are a couple of options in between those two ends of the spectrum as well.
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