I was recently diagnosed with a severe calcium deficiency. My dentist is suggesting that I remove the remainder of my teeth. I have always had trouble with them. He thinks the calcium deficiency will throw the remainder of them over the edge. I’m trying to be okay with this and be proactive. He’s suggesting dentures, but I know that will lead to my face collapsing. I can’t afford a dental implant for every tooth. I have heard about this procedure known as all-on-4, which would only require four dental implants. I think I could swing that. But, I’d like to know if it will prevent my face from collapsing.
Dear Bethany,
I have some good news for you. First, I have serious doubts about the advice your dentist is giving you. If this is a calcium deficiency that you’ve just developed, then it would have zero impact on your teeth. The only way to for a calcium deficiency to impact your teeth is if you had it when those teeth were being formed. You haven’t told me your age, but based on your vocabulary and means of processing the issue, I’m assuming you are an adult with fully formed teeth.
It’s possible that your dentist is simply one of those dentists who does not like spending extraordinary effort to save teeth. Some dentists think it is just easier to extract them. My suggestion is that you get a second opinion on your remaining teeth. It’s very possible that they can be saved and you will not have to worry about replacing them at all.
If, on the unlikely chance, the second dentist also believes that you need to replace the teeth, then yes, all-on-4 will prevent facial collapse. However, you do not have to get a dental implant for each missing tooth. You can simply get between four and six dental implants and then have dentures anchored to them. All-on-4 is usually used for people who are lacking some of the bone structure in their jaw and do not have enough to retain traditional implant overdentures.
All that being said. I really think, barring something else going on that I’m not aware of, you can probably save those teeth.
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