Can you tell me anything about the Premium Home Whitening Kit? It’s cheaper than what my dentist offers, but I want to make sure it is legitimate first.
Dear Kate,
I looked this over. It does have a valid whitening ingredient, so that part is good. I don’t know what your dentist charges, but I’m pretty sure you’ll end up paying more in the long run. This is because of the whitening tray that you get with any over-the-counter kit.
When your dentist whitens your teeth with take home trays, they are custom fitted to your bite. This means that the gel stays in the trays and on your teeth and saliva stays out of the trays. Why is this important?
First, if the gel leaks out, which it will with the type of trays you can get over the counter, then you are losing whitening for your teeth. You’re also letting the gel get on your gums. This can lead to irritation of the gums. I read a blog post about a woman who ended up needing a root canal treatment from an over the counter treatment.
Second, if the gel can get out, your saliva can get in. That is a second way that your tooth bleaching will get diluted. You will get much more effective (and safer) results with professional teeth whitening.
If cost is the only factor in why you are considering something other than professional work, then I would like to suggest you talk to your dentist. They may let you pay it out or lower the price a little. I can’t guarantee that. But, if you don’t ask you’ll never know.
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