My daughter had porcelain veneers done before leaving for college. About a month ago she fell and chipped one of them. We went to see her dentist while she was home for a quick break. That dentist “fixed it” by trimming down both teeth to the same size. Now the teeth have a blue tinge to them. Did she do something the damage the teeth? Are the veneers in danger of falling off?
Dear Pamela,
You didn’t say where the color change is. However, It sounds like the bonding between the tooth and the veneer is failing. While it is possible that it will fall off, unless she has an expert cosmetic dentist nearby that can replace the porcelain veneers, she is better off allowing the veneers to fall off on their own.
I don’t think the dentist did anything by trimming them. The problem was probably there from the beginning and is just now showing up. The bluish color is from things getting caught between the tooth and the veneer.
When it falls off, most dentists would not consider it a dental emergency. That being said, a true cosmetic dentist does understand the urgency of an aesthetic emergency.
So, how will she find one of those dentists? She will want someone who has had both post-doctoral training and a track record of artistry in creating beautiful smiles. Take a look at Dr. Murphree’s bio to get an idea of what you are looking for.
This blog is brought to you by Auburn, AL Dentists Drs. Murphree and Yount.